Nu vill jag bada!

You take your first fledgling steps into the water and you regret your decision instantly as you feel the chilling pain of the lake. But now you have to go on, knowing that you are dressed for the occasion and have made a choice.


You walk further and further and as the waters of lake Rudan rise higher and higher, you know that the final exhale will be a tormented one. Finally, you submerge your entire body below the miniscule waves and it feels as if your body is ripped apart, dying from the cold that hammers at your body's integrity, trying to make you succumb to the need of running up screaming.


After a while, your body starts to adjust; compensating for the biting cold and working overtime to heat you up from the inside.


Suddenly you realize that the water isn't as cold anymore. You spread your extremities in the dulled gravity and feel the water slowly turning from being an agressive foe into becoming a subdued companion. The soft, cool relaxation sets in and you feel happier than most who are still toiling under the baking sun that day. You watch them and laugh as they are sweating it out while resisting the urge to take a swim. The waters look so wondrously cool and inviting, but they hesitate and ultimately refuse.


WHY? Because they are chickens, while you, in your bravery, have given in to your body's desire and are now experiencing a well-earned swim.


The first one of the year. You beat them to it...



Anyone want to... eller, ursäkta.. jag menar, finns det nån som vill uppleva det med mig snart, eventuellt imorgon? Jag orkar inte hålla emot längre. JAG MÅSTE BADA!! :D


Säga vad man vill om vattnet, men den starka SOLEN lär ju iallafall torka upp eventuell fukt hyfsat fort ^^


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