Your Dick And Why It's Not Always Your Friend
Guys usually get confused by women who post lewd pictures of themselves, but then get annoyed by people treating them as sexual objects.
We've heard it countless times before; it is a veritable circle of rejection: A girl who wants to assert her sexuality posts a lewd picture, men react to it and immediately want to get inside her pants, they are blunt about it and get shot down without a second thought.
The issue here is that many men don't understand why that happens. A growing problem is the oversaturation of sexualized selfies and men's reaction to them. I believe that one way of limiting rejection-fallout is if men are educated as to why they fail and, more importantly, get them to understand themselves and how they actually work.
Guys, I gotcha. Here is what you do if you are contemplating contacting a hot girl.
First off, you need to do it for the right reason. Yes, she is hot, you can internally acknowledge your attraction to her. But that can't be the only reason you contact her; if you do, it will result in immediate rejection. Why would you even consider such a blunt tactic?
It sounds strange, doesn't it? But there is a reason why men trip themselves up like this again and again.
You know those girls who post explicitly sexual pictures of themselves to get a response? Like, they might have insecurities about their bodies or whatever, but like, even their selfies have the girl pressing her boobs up into the camera shot and giving you that enticing smile and seductive look that sort of screams at your dick to come and have your way with them.

Well, you are in luck, my friends. I am here to tell you that you are totally justified jerking off to them.
You do that. Like, right now.
That is what the image is there for, it was made for a reaction, so feel completely assured that you can rub one out in the sanctuary of your own home with no shame attached whatsoever. She won't care. As long as you don't contact her for that reason, you don't tell her in any way that you are infatuated with her for her looks, you don't mention that she is hot, none of it!
Anything you say in that moment is going to be tainted by your dick... So just rub one out by yourself, feel the orgasm and imagine whatever you want...
...and then... once you are done.... look past her picture (which might be hard, I know, but trust me, your dick is not doing you any favors). Elbow your way through the eyeliner, cleavages and the kissie-lips. Once the full ecstasy of the splooge has drained from your system, check what the girl is actually saying on her presentation, check her interests, look at her likes and dislikes, take part in discussions where she voices her opinions... all this will give you an unbiased picture regarding whether or not this girl is someone you'd even find interesting at all, and you get this without any involvement from your dick whatsoever.
This difference is crucial for men, who, as pre-programmed inseminators by nature, have problems differentiating what THEY say and what their DICKS are saying. This has always been an issue.
The problem is that your dick works on a subconscious level. It is affecting your behavior and you don't even know that it is doing it. It's like hypnosis in a way; you think you are meeting up with this girl to get together over a cup of coffee and have some casual conversation, all the while your dick is steering you there to feel her out if she is a potential fuck in the future. You don't know this yourself, you can't feel it and you can't affect it. It's just a big part of who you are, it's the same for all men.
In order to find someone you really connect with, you have to remove your dick from the equation, it can NOT be allowed to influence your life-decisions.
And so, go ahead... look at her pictures and splooge all you want. You are doing it for her sake. And then, while you are in the refractory period, where you are the LEAST interested in sex (yes, men have those moments too, you ignorant fucks)... that's the perfect time to consider sending her a DM, because now you couldn't care less about her boob size and genuinely do wanna ask about her Led Zeppelin poster on the wall.
You're welcome. Share this information freely.